Friday, March 10, 2006

My brilliant Art Dept

Not my entire Art Dept, but here's a picture of me surrounded by some very lovely ladies on a rather glorious late Sept morning....


JPG said...

They're just to keep the bright sun out...honest :)

JPG said...

Oh we're definitely the cool guys on set :)

We're also some of the most hard working (but I would say that).

Almost always the first to arrive, first on set to make sure everything's dressed and ready, and generally the last to leave needing to re-set locations back to how they were before we arrived and messed it all up!

And that's just filming days...there's all the props to source and hire, weird and wonderful props to have made, graphics, vehicles, prop transport logisitics, animals, risk assessments to fill out, stunts, special effects and set construction....but that's why I had such a great team.

Having said all that, nobody works harder than our leader VP.

Anonymous said...

what kind of education do you need for doing your job? I mean, have you studied it somewhere or is it just the work of your genious mind? I've never heard anyone guiding anyone to be a set designer, nor giving instructions how to do it properly... if you know what I mean.

JPG said...

You generally need an art or design background, and technical drawing skills.
There are even dedicated theatre design courses at college too.
Then you need to get experience in an Art Dept, as work experience or a junior.
It's a tough business with a LOT of competition.

Anonymous said...

yup, and how stupid of me, I didn't realise it all really stands on your 'about me'...

thanks anyway for this even-more detailed answer. :)